寫一封英文既 love letter !!!

2007-02-25 9:58 pm
我想問下要寫一封英文既 love letter 要寫 D 咩嫁 ???
洗唔洗形容下個人個外貌嫁 ??
要寫 D 咩 point 嫁 ??
有冇人答我呀 ??

回答 (1)

2007-02-28 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear xxx,
I have supressed this feeling in my heart for as long as i have known. If i have to hold it in any longer, i'm sure that my heart would burst, with the words "I Love You".
I love the way you throw back your head and laugh, and the way your hair shimmer in the sun. I love the way you chat, as if you don't hold back anything. I love the way you listen to my troubles, and your thoughtful quietness afterwards.
I Love you!
參考: me

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