係英國讀緊 f 7 ..想做會計師...條路可以點行?(20分)

2007-02-25 3:31 pm

其實我係想入Big 4 既.........
因為我聽人講入到之後再捱4-5年,再考試,就有3-4 萬一個月........

係英國讀緊upper sixth (form 7)
有咩試 畢左業 要考? both in uk and hk ....因為要考既試一路變緊....

英國 我收左 Royal holloway , Loughborough , Aston 既conditional offer
香港 我就報左 中文大學 同poly既accountancy,唔知報唔報唔報其他好...

好希望入左行既auditor 或者 係英國讀完accounting 既人可以答答我.........
咁多野問.....有D仲好似好低B咁......因為我除左讀書乜都唔識...= ="

回答 (3)

2007-02-25 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you should obtain a degree in UK if you can. Actually, in the old day, Poly's accounting course used to be the best in HK, not sure whether that I still the case. I think the most important fact is that those big 4 firms will treat your UK degree better than the HK degree. There are a couple of professional options you can take and I think you should take the CPA exam if you could. It is usually considered better than the ACCA exam.

When selecting your degree, the place where you study is most important. Try to select a school with a good name. These days, the big 4 firms also hire people with no accounting background to work as auditor and being able to demonstrate you are academically strong with a good undergrad degree would be more important. Actually, if you are aiming for the 30k to 40k salary range, I suggest you are much better off sitting a degree with finance in it. The best option I can think of would be the accounting and finance degree in LSE. Finance usually earn far more than accounting even if you are working in a small firm.

Life in big four firm is very harsh during the first few years before you get qualified although you do get decent career prospect once you become qualified. However, the pay is not excellent compared with finance. e.g. the CFA qualification willl earn you more money that the CPA. Out of the list of conditional offers that you got, I think Loughborough might be the best place to sit your accounting bachelor, after that, I think you should seriously consider doing an MSc in Finance related subject in a big name school such as LSE or Cambridge. Trust me, the postgrad course is much easier to get in compared with the undergrad, if you get a decent 2i class degree, you stand a good chance getting into the MSc course of LSE. Once you got that, you can obtain CPA or CFA depending on your work experience.
2007-03-05 6:23 am
The betty of studying in UK is that you may be better in English than local students. So it doesn't really matter which subject you will study. So econ, English, engineering, computer Sc all are OK. You need to do the HK Inst of CPA qualified professional exam anyway.

However, the disadvantage of doing accounting in Uk is that you will not familiar with the HK practice and HK law. So another alternative is that you can do a degree, e.g. in Computer Sc or Information Systems and Accounting, for example, and then come back to HK to study a Postgrad diploma or MSc in Professional Accountancy at PolyU or CityU.

If you are minded to study a finance master, it is no use to study at LSE or London Business School. You should try Chicago U, Columbia U. If you are working in HK, you should study, for example, MSc Financial Engineering or MSc in Applied Maths for Actuarial Science and Finance at CityU or LLM Corporate and Financial Law at HKU. or simply sit the CFA exam. The passing rate of CFA is low but for those who are good in math and statistics, the exam is a piece of cake.
2007-02-25 4:30 pm
在英國的大學一定比香港好, 除非你在英國只入到一間平平的大學而你在香港卻入得到香港大學, 那香港大學則絕對比較好.

但除非你入到有名的大學, 否則每間大學的長處, 你必須先做一做research, 可問一問你的guidence counselor

我相信香港一定會成認英國的學位, 但外國則很有可能不成認香港的學位.


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