2007-02-25 12:40 pm

-selective breeding
-genetic variation
-sex-linked disorders


我d課題關f.6事??? 我都唔知係咩level呀.. 因為我唔係向hk讀書... 有冇人答到我...??

回答 (3)

2007-02-25 4:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hey.... I can only type English because I am in university in Canada.... so I can't type Chinese.... maybe I can help you, because I am studing genetics:

selective breeding: to obtain crop plants or domestic animal with desired phenotypic characteristics, such as hardiness, improved yields, or better taste.

genetic variation: refers to the variation in the genetic material of a population or species, and includes the nuclear, mitochodrial, ribosomal genomes as well as the genomes of other organelles. it is result of mutations of DNA

polyploidy: is opposite of euploidy, which is cell that contain more than the normal diploid number of chromosome sets. In human diploid means 46 chromosome in one cell, and it is refer to somatic cell, which is body cell.

transformation: means insertion of non-native chromosome in a bacterial cell. Creating recombinant DNA molecule with plasmid vectors. For example, human genetic is cut with E.coli to produce a mixture of E.coli restriction fragment. Thus, E.coli cells transformed with recombinant plasmids.

Transgenic: individual that carrying a transgene. Transgene means animals or plants engineered with genes from other species.

Heterozygous: a genotype in which the two copies of the gene that determine a particular trait are different alleles. Check out hybrid for similar explanation.

sex-linked disorders: that means the genetics disorder is not in autosome, it is depended by the sex-chromosome: the disorder either is depends on X or Y.

polygenic: means trait controlled by multiple genes.

I hope it helps, because it is from my university course book.... so enjoy!!!
參考: Genetics book + myself
2007-02-25 5:10 pm

genetic variation遺傳變異:variation that are caused by heredity.
拉長黎講先~人既既細胞有diploid(two set)既chromosomes
而gamete(sperm and ovum or called daughter cell)就例外,只有one set(haploid)既chromosomes
germ cell負責造gametes----23對chromosomes細胞進行減數分裂(meosis)變23條chromosomes 既gamete

其中好處:造gamete(23)-----兩個gamete(配子)fuse during fertilization(23+23)才可以restore in zygote(合子(46))架
其二好處:分裂嘛,一變四,緊有四條gametes出-----23對變四個23條有好多genetic combinations,所以你先有爸爸既鼻,媽媽既眼....

人類genetic variation仲有幾個因素:
random fertilization----除非你濫交la=.=如果唔係下一代應該有更大變化既基因組合
mutation---expose to ionizing radiation(X-rays,氧化劑)而改左DNA結構

"hetero" mean different;

sex-linked disorders:any disease or abnormality that is determined by the sex
hormones; "例子hemophilia血友病 is determined by a gene defect on
an X chromosome"基因出現缺憾~yeah~尼個我search到
參考: biology textbook
2007-02-25 12:46 pm
You better make reference to textbook for F. 6.

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