
2007-02-25 12:16 pm
唔該各位,我想問下s.h.e的superstar 係唔係改編自外國歌手的,如果是,禁係邊個歌手,同埋首歌原名叫咩啊,有沒有歌詞啊

回答 (2)

2007-02-25 1:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
S.H.E的superstar原曲歌名是China Girl,主唱的是一個叫Sweet box的組合。
Life.Hold my breath I am drowning in my dread
The wind is getting strong The wind is getting stronger
There is no second chance when the devils made you dance
The sky is getting dark The sky is getting dark

Can't you see can't you see
We were never meant to be
It's no secret that I'm your china girl
Don't you know don't you know
That it's time for me to go
It's no secret that I'm your china girl
No turning back no questions left to ask
The tide is getting high the tide is getting higher
I'm not afraid I decided
It's time to face the storm It's time to face the storm
You live you learn and right now my scarlet letter burns
But I won't hide I'll face what's mine
參考: 我隻CD → 最愛S.H.E冬日音樂紀念冊
2007-02-26 1:42 am
superstar係由德國SWEETBOX製作人GEO特地為S.H.E量聲定作,所以superstar唔係改編歌,係SWEETBOX之係再翻唱 歌名係China Girl
參考: S.H.E官網+我自己

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