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When a person diagnosis with cancer, doctor will remove the tumor (if possible), and remove the lymph nodes nearby the tumor as the same time. The removed lymph nodes will be inspected under microscope to determine whether cancer cells have been spread through lymphatic system.
Traditionally, the dotor would remove partically all lymph nodes near the tumor area (axillary lymph node dissection). However, the side affect of lymphedema. Therefore, Sentinel Node Analysis is developed to minimize the number of lymph node to be removed to determine malignancy. Sentinel node biopsy is currently used in melanoma, breast, colon, gastric, esophageal, head and neck, thyroid, and lung cancer. During Sentinel node biosy, doctor will inject a tracer substance around the tumor that will travel through the lymphatic system to the first draining (sentinel) node and identify it. The tracer substance may be blue dye that can be visually tracked or a radioactive colloid that can be radiologically followed. Then, the first few lymph nodes next to the tumor will be removed and analyzed for malignancy.