
2007-02-25 9:03 am

題目係”Hero in my mind"..




回答 (3)

2007-02-25 9:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你對hero這個字的看法
2. hero 的定義
3. 你心目中的hero
4. 你心目中的hero 對你的影響力
5. 舉例說出你心目中的hero影子
6.有沒有現在或歷年來的hero 是你學習模仿對象
7. hero or idol 的分別
2007-02-27 9:55 am
In my own opinion, this is a soft topic, so you can define "Hero" in any way, means you need not to find a person who've got any recognition from historians. Let's say, "Hero" could be a figure as far as the ancient times in B.C., medieval times, wartime, nowadays, or even someone you know. So, the 1st step is, who's the hero in your mind.

Next, why's he/she be your "Hero". There can be numerous reasons, like any incident(s) which given you such a strong impression & admiration, e.g. a fire fighter sacrificed his life when he rescued other people.

After that, I think you can describe how's he/she influenced you, especially attitude, values, characters & believe, e.g. the spirit of Mother Teresa whom served the poverty down-to-earth shown you a good example of being humble to someone around you as well as to strangers.

Last, you can elaborate what you can learn from him/her, e.g. you often talk to your father/mother freely because he/she's also frank to you.

Hope this help!
參考: In Own Opinion
2007-02-25 9:16 am
First, you have to think what are the requirement of a hero. Eg.brave, strong, clever.
You may choose a hero in your mind as an example.You need to show why do you think that guy is a hero. It is because of he meets these requirement....................

My English is not good. Anyway, I hope my ideas can help or even inspire you!! Work Hard!!
參考: Myself

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