請英文 文法好的幫幫手!!

2007-02-25 6:49 am
以下是romeo and julite 的故事內容,但不知道當中的文法是否正確,希望英文文法好的幫幫手!!
Then Juliet's mother found her a future husband. But Juliet already married to Romeo, so she pretended to die. Romeo saw this and shocked. But he did not know that Juliet was just faking her death and so sadly he took a poison and died. Juliet woke up and saw Romeo dead, so she took his dagger and killed herself. In the end the two lovers lay dead together.

回答 (3)

2007-02-25 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.But Juliet (had/was) already married to Romeo
married是前一句老媽找(found)丈夫之前的事,是"過去的過去",需用past perfect tense,即"had married";
也可用"was married","married"在此是形容詞,指出當時Juliet的狀況,是已婚的

2.Romeo saw this and (was) shocked.

3.But he did not know that Juliet was just faking her death ( ) so sadly he took a poison and died.
...and so sadly did he take a poison and die.
參考: 腦袋
2007-02-25 7:14 am
Then Juliet's mother found her a future husband. Juliet, having married to Romeo, decided to get away from this arranged marriage by faking a death with a special potion that induces short coma. Romeo, not knowing Juliet's plan, was shocked. He decided to join Juliet by taking strong poison. When Juliet woke up and saw the lifeless Romeo, she was grief-stricken and ended her life by stabbing herself with a dagger. In the end, this tragic couple lay dead together.
2007-02-25 6:59 am
Then Juliet's mother found her a future husband. But Juliet had already married to Romeo, she pretended to die. Romeo saw that and shocked, he did not know that Juliet was just faking her death and so sadly did he that he took a poison and died. Juliet woke up and saw Romeo dead, so she took his dagger and killed herself. The two lovers lay dead together in the end .

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