download 財經資訊

2007-02-25 2:35 am
我想問香港有邊間財經資訊 provider 提供類似 或者係 Interactive broker 等等既服務:

1. 提供以往數年港股, 期指, options, warrants 等等既 intraday transaction 資料

2. 能夠將所有 data download 到 excel spreadsheet, 或者提供 API library 可以應用於 C++ / JAVA / Excel VBA

1. 我現在用 Excel VBA 直接從 yahoo!finance 既免費服務 download historical price, 但 yahoo 不能提供 intraday 資訊

2. 我試過用 Bloomberg 既 API, 但 Bloomberg 只能提供 90天 既 intraday data, 而且 Bloomberg 服務勁貴, 只能在公司既 Bloomberg terminal 使用

對 automated trade 有興趣人仕歡迎參與討論

1. What does AFE stand for? How can I get service from AFE? What is their website? 2. So you mean there's no service similar to in HK at the moment?

回答 (2)

2007-02-26 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果要即時資訊, 我諗輝立可以一試, 不過我唔係佢的客戶, 所以你最好打電話問佢地可以提供到d 咩比你

如果要歷史數據, 我覺得聯交所最齊,你可以買, 價錢約幾百元一個月

以上兩個都提供excel data base, 你要這些資料, 多數都係玩day trade..
你可唔可以send 你個excel vba file 比我看看, 我想研究下..
my email: [email protected]
參考: .
2007-02-25 8:05 am
all intraday streaming data is chargeable. There is no realtime api, which is free of charge. AFE may be a relatively cheap way to do it. and i heard it give excel interface for you. Don't think bloomberg, which is only good for corporate trader, and it requires a high-tech authorization procedure.

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