
2007-02-25 2:13 am
Imagine a place where thousands of black lizards stretch out on lava rocks to soak up the morning sun. Imagine a place where giant tortoises feed on cactus plants that grow as big as trees. Imagine an island on the equator where penguins swim and fur seals rest on coral beaches. Welcome to the Galapagos Islands. These islands have fascinated people since the first visitors arrived in 1535.

The volcanic landscapes and exotic wildlife spark our imaginations. Formed from fire, these islands remind us of the raw power of our planet. And they remind us of rapidly disappearing unspoiled places where nature remains mostly untouched by development and technology.

回答 (1)

2007-02-25 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
想像數以萬計黑蜥蜴舒展在熔岩岩石浸泡早晨太陽的一個地方。想像巨型草龜哺養在仙人掌植物增長一樣大像樹的一個地方。想像企鵝游泳的一個海島在赤道並且毛皮封印基於珊瑚海灘。歡迎光臨加拉帕戈斯群島。這些海島迷住了人1535 年自從第一訪客到達了。

火山的風景和異乎尋常的野生生物引起我們的想像力。形成從火, 這些海島提醒我們我們的行星的未加工的力量。並且他們提醒自然依然是主要未觸動過由發展和技術的我們迅速地消失的未損壞的地方。

Hope this can help you!

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