
2007-02-25 1:10 am
我想問下各位如果買歐洲火車証( EURAIL PASS ) 佢有一句野

Unlimited rail travel in the participating 18 Eurail countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. (Liechtenstein and Monaco are considered part of Austria and France respectively)

咁係唔係即係可以用果張証係以上果18個國家,搭佢地自己國家既火車線 ?? 定還是只係可以係果18個國家之間來往 !? 定係以上兩種都可以???? 如果我買左呢一種火車証,去到法國,仲洗唔洗買法國境內既火車証先可以搭果度既火車 !?

我係唔係要PLAN好哂行程,先考慮買幾多日既火車証!? 如果我每次國家過國家,都揀夜車,咁係唔係可以慳返D住宿錢? (因為係火車加床舖會平過住HOSTEL果D吧 ?) 如果我想知某一個國家既火車、地鐵時間表,係唔係要到果度先可以搵到 !?

回答 (3)

2007-02-25 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你買左歐洲火車證, 你真係可以憑證於以上 18 個國家免費坐火車. 但注意, 夜車, 快車及 TGV 等特快火車, 你是需要繳付留位費及附加費的. 不論過境及國內, 同樣適用.
如果你買左火車證, 你不用在買法國的火車票. 但如你搭 TGV 等, 你可能需要附加費及留位費
沒錯, 最好你是編好行程才買火車證, 因為買多左會蝕, 買少左就唔夠用...
如果我每次國家過國家, 都揀夜車, 係可以慳返D住宿錢同時間的
火車時間表: http://railtravel.hkst.com.hk/
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience
2007-03-01 9:47 pm
if you have a euro pass, you can take on the all trains in these countries including the local rail lines and international rail lines. But you should mention that some train(e.g. TGV) must make reversation(reversation fee is about 2-3 Euro) before boarding and the sleeper seats on night trains must make reversation(also have reversation fee) and need to pay extra fees. You should check it while you buy the pass.

A good plan can help you save your money.

Sleeper seats in night trains are really cheaper than hostels. But you should check the arrival time and make sure that you will not arrive too early. It's because you can not check in too early. And then you need to carry all your luggage or put them into locker.

of course not. you can check all the Europe rails schedules(include britain) in the following website:
2007-02-25 1:24 am
歐洲火車証 即係可以用果張証係以上果18個國家和搭佢地自己國家既火車線都可以!!!!!如果你買左呢一種火車証,去到法國,唔洗買法國境內既火車証先可以搭果度既火車!!!!!!!!!!
參考: me

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