
2007-02-24 10:23 pm

回答 (4)

2007-02-25 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
狗, 就梗係鍾意周圍聞嫁啦, 天性黎o既!!

(1) 認路
- 由佢, 最多個咀同鼻污糟d

(2) 睇下之前有咩狗仔黎過呢度
- 有時會停耐少少, 由佢, 俾佢學下分析唔同狗o既氣味

(3) 搵野食
- 留意佢除左聞之外有冇"擔"野入口, 有就一定要勁惡咁NO佢, 好似十惡不赦咁, 如果唔係睇醫生睇窮你

(4) 八卦
- 有d狗仔天性八卦, 係一味索索索什至擺野入口, 用choke chain都教唔到, 為安全起見, 戴口罩

2007-02-25 00:12:46 補充:
唔記得講埋 其實去廁所前夕都會聞下...
2007-02-25 1:28 am
If the dog is a boy, and didn't do a special operation, he may be finding a girl dog.
Or, it may like to find some food to eat.
Or, it may want to find something, dogs like to find things. Play games about "find things"

2007-02-24 17:30:06 補充:
Play games with your dog about "find things".
2007-02-25 1:10 am
2007-02-24 10:26 pm

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