
2007-02-24 10:12 pm

1.Have you closed the windows? I have not closed the windows. (兩句)

2.Has Mimi eaten the bananas? She has not eaten the bananas. (兩句)

3.In the past, children used to play clapping games. Nowadays, children love playing computer games. (兩句)

4.Which is your favourite hobby, making models or playing video games?

4.Which is your favourite hobby, making models or playing video games?(兩句)

回答 (1)

2007-02-24 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Have you done your homework? I have not done my homework.
Have you open the TV? I have not open the TV.

2)Has you drunk the water? I has not drunk.
Has you played the game with Peter?I has not played with him.

3)In the past,people used to watch television.Nowaday,people love using computer.
In the past,people uesd to write diary.Nowaday,people love to write in xanga.

Which is your favourite colour,black,white or green?

唔知你係咪想問依d啦.. wish can help到你

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