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The King come up to the finalist and said, "The prize of the winner will be my daughter, so you guys should try your best!"
"I will be the winner!" The frog and rabbit said confidently.
Another finalist, the mouse, didn't say anything.
All of them were get ready to start.
The competition started, the first finalist was the rabbit. He counld not reach the specific distance, so he failed.
Coming up was the frog. He couldn't jump over the cleat, so he failed also.
The last competitor was the mouse. He jumped over the cleat and reached the specific distance. He won!
The judge announced the winner of this jumping competition was the mouse.
Princess hugged the mouse and kissed him. He turned into a prince.
They lived happily ever after.
2007-02-24 12:33:39 補充:
上面咁多位有人直頭冇用past tense有o的就用o的唔用o的...得罪各位sorry只係想問問題果位唔好抄錯野...其實大家都係咁譯只係轉返tense就okay