點先可以攞到first honor?

2007-02-24 6:43 pm

你地係time management點先可以就到咁多時間讀書

你地有冇成日睇reference book? 睇多就有益定無益於成績


回答 (1)

2007-02-24 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I personally think that to get a first honor, you can't just sit your ass in the library all day and keep looking at books and notes. There must be a balance in your life, which means that you need to have good time management and not only good time management to study, but also good time management to play. Get started on assignments and essays early is one of the most important issues for a university student, you should always leave yourself a few days before the deadline to check and double check. I personally don't read a lot of books and find internet a more useful source to learn and study from, but I guess everyone is rather different.

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