究竟進化係咪真呢? (特別歡迎神學家and生物學家)

2007-02-24 8:35 am
--- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6387611.stm

講d黑腥腥造spear attack其他animal

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 4:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hey whatthesucker,

If you are in university, I believe you might have learned or heard about this topic. I learned this topic in my first year of Uni.... so.... maybe I can help you....

1. 進化 the idea was from Darwin, a biologist from 19th century. The reason he discovered 進化 is that he went to explore island called Galapagos Island. He believe the change of differen organism was caused by evolution, which is inevitable outcome of interaction between organism and their environment and it has no specific purpose. Also. the hypothesis that Darwin made was the traits of organisms was outcome of natural selection, which traits that are weak do not survive but the trait the fits the environment survive. If you want more info on 進化, you can read a book by Darwin called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for LIfe".
I know many people have mistaken about 進化, they believe 進化 is like a monkey will become a human being and that is wrong. My prof. told me that some part of Darwin's theory was wrong as I think anyhow Darwin mentioned about monkey can 進化 to human. But, the main theory of 進化 was the theory I mentioned above, which animal with the trait the fits the environment survive and the weak one get eliminate. Personally, I think some part of 進化 is true, but some part is wrong. I believe att that time, microscope and the knowledge of genetics and DNA analysis was not invented and people did not have the knowledge on genetics and inherit. Therefore, they explain the changes on animals by 進化.

2. I think some part of 進化 is and some part is not.

3. No, since in the bible it did not mention that God made 外太空高智慧生物. But, I predicted that computer/robot might be. Did you watch terminators???? I believe nowadays human rely too much on computer and hackers might be the future controller of the world as many people cannot live with technologies.

If you have any furter questions, feel free to email me.

2007-02-24 11:29:50 補充:
*** sorry.... it should be human cannot live without technologies....
參考: Myself and my textbook from my university biology course
2007-02-24 7:11 pm
1.of curse!進化係種種生物刀會!可令生物生活得更好!
參考: me

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