translate to english

2007-02-24 8:35 am

回答 (6)

2007-02-24 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
The English that I need to handle my daily life.

2007-02-24 03:12:48 補充:
樓上的全都答非所問。重心是 發問者的(我) 所需的英文 。作用是 可以應付 日常生活

2007-03-05 14:18:47 補充:
漏了一些字未說,正確的完整句子是I can handle the English that I need for daily life.orI can manage the English that I need for daily life.daily life 之前有 my, 但是口語中穩卻了。免去多餘感覺。.
參考: my 30 years personal experience with foreigners and teaching experience on spoken English for professionals.
2007-02-24 7:00 pm
The English that I need to handle my daily life.
2007-02-24 2:23 pm
I can handle basic English that is use in our daily life.
參考: me!
2007-02-24 10:02 am
I can handle the necessaries of living

2007-02-26 19:29:14 補充:
Sorry for misunderstood ur CONJECTURAL question :DfunnyHere is my correction:[I'm able to handle the living English of daily.]
2007-02-24 9:15 am
It's not a problem for me to cope with daily life by using English.
2007-02-24 8:53 am
I can manage with daily necessities.
參考: Myself

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