Safest way to gain 7st in muscle, by April?

2007-02-23 1:18 pm
Without the aid of anabolic steroids, I wish to gain musculor density {NOT FAT!} in 2months...any suggestions?

回答 (9)

2007-02-23 1:27 pm
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Apart from stitching another person onto you, I can't think of a way that would work.
2007-02-23 9:25 pm
Maybe if you live on about 10 chickens a day, work out 5 times a week and want to gain the 7st by april 2009 you might be in with a chance.
2007-02-23 9:25 pm

Do u mean pounds cos i think it is impossible to gain 7 stones by April!!

2007-02-25 1:27 am
The body can only gain a pound of muscle per month, naturally. So to gain 7 stone in 2 months is going to be tough, especially naturally.

You're going to be eating alot of food and working out like there is no tomorrow. Even after all that, with all you food consumption, you'll be holding a bit of water so your muscles will not be as dense as you want them.

It's possible to gain that with steroids but you'd be on a serious stack. Seeing that it is already the end of Feb, you have 1 month to gain that weight. That means you'd be on a 4 week blitz cycle.

You'd be looking at some testosterone, anadrol 50, deca-durabolin and trenabol. The tes, anadrol and deca will help with the weight gain and the trenabol will help with the muscle hardening. With all that, you should be able to put on 10-15 lbs in that 4 weeks. And most of it would be a solid gain.

But you don't want to go that route so I wish you good luck.

2007-02-24 12:59 am
I'm sorry to tell you this buddy, if you want 7 stones of muscle on by April (actually only about 6 weeks away), it won't happen.
Even on steroids you wouldn't do it!

To make gains though do eat a lot more protein and stock up on carbs at the end of your sessions. Do big lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench, pullups, dips, etc., just be patient and see what happens. concentrate on progressing slowly if possible.

Good Luck
2007-02-23 10:08 pm

I would change ,y view point and goals.

Instead of aiming at gaining 7 st! (or lbs for that matter) by April.

I would find the exercise routine I like and enjoy doing and that is going to help me build up muscle (as you want). There are many ways to do it, a gym monitor could be of great help to guide you out.

Also I would eat in accordance to my exercise and life demands (protein will be in order and a balance caloric intake vs burned)

Then, do your best, and see where you are in April! Then you also have may, and June and July, .....

Good to avoid steroids!

Your body bones and articulations also need to adapt to the new weight you are going to shift and carry because muscles are heavier than fat and so you will gain weight as you loose fat and gain muscle, so the time taken to reach your goal is well invested in this sense too.

Keep being ambitious but not obsessed and do the smart sensible things and you will get there soon and in health.

Hope I have been of help, good luck!!
2007-02-23 9:27 pm
If you drive to work , try walking,if you walk to work, put 10 kg of sand in a 4 plastic bags and tie one on each hand and foot, then walk to work, or places.(If 10 kg feels like one gram to u,decide your amount)
2007-02-23 9:25 pm
Sorry... I don't know
Wish you luck!
2007-02-23 9:20 pm
eat lots of protein and go to the gym a lot, though i must say i don think its possible

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