係London Gatwick Airport 點樣出去Victoria?

2007-02-24 7:52 am
係London Gatwick Airport 點樣出去Victoria?
coach 係巴士嚟? (如是, 幾多號車出去Victoria?)
搭coach 要搭幾耐? 幾多錢? 係邊度停車? 仲使唔使轉英國地鐵?
上網訂飛? 去到Gatwick機場有冇得買車票呢?

Dear imulondon 我去London 旅行, 多謝你o既意見, thanks! 我想問多少少, 係咪可以上網national coach 訂定飛? 訂咗飛到時係邊度拎呢? 唔訂飛驚會full 呀? thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hey there there are 2 ways to get to Victoria from Gatwick:

1. By National Express coach (即旅遊巴士o個種), journey time ~90mins from Gatwick South to London Victoria (應該係坐到尾站, 但個站係好大好明顯同埋D人都會落晒所以唔會miss嘅 ^_^ ). Costs 12.20pounds return (may vary slightly depending on your date and time of travel). It takes longer if you are travelling from Gatwick North and will have to change. Website: www.nationalexpress.com, you can buy tickets and check out the time table there.

2. By Gatwick Express (即好似香港MTR機鐵), journey time 30mins (35mins on Sundays) from Gatwick to London Victoria (中間冇站). Costs 26.8pounds return. Website: www.gatwickexpress.com, you can buy tickets and check out the time table there.

Both have very frequent service and operating at long hours. For coach I'd recommend you to purchase the ticket in advance as the coach can sometimes be full. No worries with Gatwick express cos the service is very frequent and there are loads of space.

Hope this helps :)

2007-02-24 01:52:03 補充:
兩者都係直接去到Victoria, 你可以再轉underground去其他London地方, 或coach/train去第二個城市. 你會去邊呀? Study/business trip or leisure?

2007-02-24 02:24:33 補充:
冇錯仲有火車不過之後要轉underground所以唔建議. Gatwick Express 係貴但勝在方便, 快, 舒服, 同埋班次好密 (every 15mins). 仲有坐coach會有塞車嘅危機!!! 我上年去愛爾蘭就因為咁miss咗班機, 連機票都冇埋!!! 自己考慮吓啦 ^_^

2007-02-24 02:26:38 補充:
in case some pple dunno, Underground = London地鐵.

2007-02-25 02:42:49 補充:
Q: 我想問多少少, 係咪可以上網national coach 訂定飛? 係呀可以check時間同買飛, 只要有信用咭就ok喇.

2007-02-25 02:43:05 補充:
Q: 訂咗飛到時係邊度拎呢? 兩個方法: 1. e-ticket – 買飛後用printer 印張飛出嚟, 去到俾司機睇就ok喇.. 但冇得改, 如果你班機delay咁張飛就冇喇.2. Pick up from collection point – 先喺internet買飛再print張單, 然後去到機場後去National Express counter 攞. 好處係班機delay咗都有得改, 仲有佢哋會講埋喺邊度上車. Counter 開放時間 0530-2200, 如果你會早/遲過呢個時間到咁就要買e-ticket喇.

2007-02-25 02:43:27 補充:
Q: 唔訂飛驚會full 呀? 有可能, 訂定先會好D.Q: 我去London 旅行, 多謝你o既意見, thanks! You re welcome, enjoy! :)
2007-02-24 10:03 am
There are currently 3 method of getting from Gatwick Airport to London Victoria... And they are as follow:
1) NationalExpress coach services run a frequent coach services from Gatwick (South) to London Victoria... Their standard price is GBP12.2 and the journey time is approximately 1hour 30mins... You can find further information at www.nationalexpress.com
2) Gatwick Express train services run every 30minutes from Gatwick to London Victoria... Their standard fare is GBP26.8 and the journey time is approximately 45minutes... You can find out more of their information at www.gatwickexpress.com
3) Southern Train run a frequent train services from Gatwick to London Waterloo (South)...Their discount fare start from GBP9 per way... And their journey is approximately 1hour... You can find more information at www.nationalrail.co.uk
#All NationalExpress coach services running from Gatwick (South Terminal) to London Victoria terminate at Victoria Coach Station... And Victoria Coach Station is approximately 10minutes walk from Victoria Railway Station... And for coach services, I would suggest you to book online althought a ticket office is avaliable at Gatwick Airport but not too sure if it is open at that time of the morning (When Oasis Hong Kong arrive)...
If you have any further question... Dont feel hasitated to add further question here or send me messages... I will try me best to answer your question wherever possible...
參考: Live in London for 8yrs...

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