請問如果吸收得太多鈣,對身體有什么影響 ? ? 如果一個發育中的青少年每日最多可以吸收己多 ??

2007-02-24 6:23 am
請問如果吸收得太多鈣,對身體有什么影響 ? ? 如果一個發育中的青少年每日最多可以吸收己多 ??

回答 (3)

2007-02-24 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes.......should have problem..........because excess will from the kidney stone...........
Actually, from my nutrition studies, the dietitian always advice the important points are
eat variety and moderate........because variety that make you earn different kinds of nutrients from any food........moderate that some nutrients in excess will cause toxity and less is deficiency.........


I am not sure how much calcium intake per day but I know 2 Hi-calcium milk equal to a daily intake..........sorry for I forgot........

Hope its help.......
參考: my knowedge from nutrition studies
2007-02-25 6:09 am
青少年每日攝最1000mg (根據 AI 建議)
參考: 我是營養師
2007-02-24 6:35 am
參考: 電台

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