
2007-02-24 4:57 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 5:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-02-24 9:26 am
Those that you have mentioned are called REMOTE GATE and AIRBRIDGE... And usually there are a few reasons refer to why either are being used... And below I will state few of the reasons or causes of either being used...
1) Some airport like Doha or our old Kai Tak Airport... That due to many reasons, very few airbridge are fitted at either airport... And instead, there are a huge number of gates which will lead you to buses which will take you down to those remote gate to board aircrafts... In Kai Tak Airport, it was due to the lack of spaces that only a few airbridge can be fitted which are mostly used by B747/A340... While at Doha, it was orginally designed for regional operations, but things has changed that now it is the hub of world class airlines Qatar Airways... But still as the new airport is building in progress... All passenger at Doha are required to take buses to remote gate for boarding...
2) Beside Airports, airlines do play a part as well... As the cost of using a remote gate is much cheaper than using a airbridge... So for many Low Cost Airlines (mainly in Europe), they will tend to use remote gate to control its cost... In Hong Kong, you can see that flights by JetStar mostly use remote gate... But for most traditional airlines, you tend to see most of them will use airbridge to allow passenger to get onboard... And also that this process will be more speedy compare to shuttling passenger to the aircraft at remote gate when they are using bigger capacity aircraft like A330/A340/B747/B767/B777...
3) Aircraft size... At the moment, airbridge allow to adjust its height to cope with different aircraft size... But however, there is a limit to how low the airbridge can get, so that majority of regional jets will require to use remote stand like CRJ-200/700/900, ERJ-135/145... While E-170 is the smallest aircraft to be able to use a airbridge...

Most airport like are fitted with airbridge... But also remote gate to cope with different airlines need... However, some small regional airports now are built without airbridge when majority of them are only designed to cope with Low Cost Airlines or regional jets... But majority of international airport now are fitted with a large amount of airbridge, and to allow majority of passengers and airlines to use airbridge rather than remote gate...

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