
2007-02-24 4:16 am
我今日去睇醫生,醫生話我慢性風疹,話我免疫系統發出來,我唔記得問d藥有咩用,(doxepin 25mg,doxepin 10mg,ranitidine 300mg,theodur 200mg,xyzal 5mg),我想知貴唔貴?大約幾錢到?有咩用?

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Doxepin : deperessive illness, particularly where sedation is required; skin
Dose: initially 75mg daily in divided doses or as a single dose at bedtime, increased as neccessary to max. 300mg daily in 3 divided dose (up to 100mg may be given as a single dose.) ELDERLY initially 10-50mg daily, range of 30-50 daily may be adequate; CHILD not recommended
這裏只有英磅價錢, 沒有港幣價
net price 56 - cap pack =1.21; 25mg (orange and blue), 28 - cap pack = 1.43; 75mg (yellow and blue)
Ranitidine : by mouth, 150mg twice daily or 300mg at night (benign gastric and duodenal ulceration) for 4 to 8 weeks, up to 6 weeks in chronic episodic dyspepsia, and up to 8 weeks in NSAID - associated
短期服用, 不可連續服用超過兩星期
ranitidine can be sold to the public for adults and children over 16 years (provided packs do not contain more than 2 weeks supply) for the short-term symptomatic relief of heartburn, dyspepsia, and hyperacidity, and for the prevention of those symptoms when associated with consumption of food or drink ) max. single dose 75mg, max daily dose 300mg)
tablets, net price 60-tab pack = 8.15; 300mg 30 - tab pack 8.15
effervescent tablets, 150mg, net price 60 - tab pack = 27.89
Theodur 200mg
200mg every 12 hrs; over 70kg 200-300mg every 12 hrs increased after 1 week to 400mg every 12 hrs, may be appropriate to give larger evening or morning dose to achieve optimum therapeutic affect when symptoms most severe; in patients whose night or day time symptoms persist despite other therapy, who are not currently reveiving theophylline, total daily requirement may be added single evening or morning dose
CHILD over 7 years, 9mg/kg twice daily; some children with chronic asthma may require 10-16mg/kg every 12hrs
net price 20 =1.21; 300mg
xyzal 5mg
Tablet, f/c levocetirizine dihydrochloride 5 mg
net price 30 tab pack =7.45 counseling driving

參考: BNF44 september 2002 royal pharmaceutical society of great britain
2007-02-24 7:21 pm
免疫系統出現問題的解決方式, 可以由飲食習慣中改善, 因為身體吸收唔到足夠的營養, 引導身體產生多種問題.... 我亦有朋友因為免疫系統問題引導濕疹,皮膚嚴重敏感, 耳仔及肚臍流水等問題, 但透過配合健康產品及改變飲食習慣, 在短短幾個月已經改善了, 而且身體亦強健起來, 唔幫要入院打針食藥了, 你想知更多有關的資料, 你可以email與我聯絡 [email protected]

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