一個關於harry potter 4 的問題..

2007-02-24 3:35 am
請問小說的harry potter 第4集和電影的故事情節有什麼不同 ?

回答 (3)

2007-02-25 4:33 am
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2007-02-24 20:36:38 補充:
2007-02-26 12:17 am




華納兄弟公司曾經發佈過這樣一個劇照,哈利站在佛地魔爸爸的墓碑前,那上面寫著佛地魔的爸爸叫作「湯姆·馬沃羅·瑞斗」(Tom Marvolo Riddle),然而根據哈利波特─混血王子的背叛,佛地魔的外公名字是馬沃羅,而他的麻瓜父親不應該有這個中間名,實際上這個中間名是指屬於佛地魔的。此外佛地魔出生於1926年,墓碑上刻著他爸爸出生於1915年,這也有些問題。不過在電影中,這些都已經被更改了。
最初的電影預告海報上面有一條標語「Difficult times lie ahead Harry」,這在英語中有語法錯誤。後來這句話被改成「Difficult times lie ahead, Harry」

[edit] Alterations from the book and previous films
The layout of Hogwarts Castle and its surrounding landscape has changed in each film adaptation. The following are the new changes made to Hogwarts Castle in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire film adaptation.

The Entrance Hall has been changed. There is now a courtyard in its place with a Clock Tower which leads to the Entrance Hall.
The Entrance Hall has been extended further from the Marble Staircase separating the Great Hall from the Main Tower.
The Owlery has been added to the grounds as a tall tower with many levels set atop a stone hill.
A new valley has been added. : The Dragon Arena is found in the first task. This valley is found vertically from the Owlery Tower. Further on in that new valley is a waterfall.
Some scenes in the film take place within a courtyard whose location is unknown. It is definitely not the Clock Tower Courtyard, the Entrance Courtyard, nor the courtyard by the Dark Tower.
The design of the three Bell Towers has been altered.
Professor Flitwick's appearance has changed from an old, wrinkled gobblin/elf with long hair to a younger elf with short, brown hair. -- This is perhaps due to elfin lore, that elf folk start out very old and get younger with years and wisdom.

[edit] Errors

Padma Patil walked with her sister Parvati through the Gryffindor common room, but Padma is a Ravenclaw.
There is a scene when Harry received a letter from Sirius Black that Sirius wants to meet him in Gryffindor's common room. The mistake is when the letter clearly shows that at the last paragraph of the letter it is written "By the way, the bird bites" which is different from Sirius Black voiceover which says "P.S, the bird bites." Although the letter actually does say "P.S: By the way, the bird bites."
An official picture released by Warner Bros. incorrectly showed Voldemort's father's name to be "Tom Marvolo Riddle" with an impossible birth year. After much dismay from the fans (as his father's middle name was certainly not "Marvolo"), this mistake was corrected in the final film by digital manipulation.
In the original posters for the movie, the tagline on the posters read Difficult times lie ahead Harry, which lacks a comma. After a few months, the newer posters corrected this mistake to read Difficult times lie ahead, Harry.
2007-02-24 11:28 pm
ithink there will be no
because it is just following the book

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