關於[戇男有2性],女主角同April 相認時果段英文..

2007-02-24 3:18 am

仲有女主角變左男人之後,係球場同April 一路拍手一路講果段..

回答 (2)

2007-02-25 6:52 am
Boys are cheats and liars, they're such a big disgrace.
They will tell you anything to get to second base... ball,
baseball he thinks he's gonna score.
If you let him go all the way then you are a hor... ticulture studies flowers,
geologist studies rocks.
The only thing a guy wants from you is a place to put his cock... roaches, beetles, butterflies and bugs.
Nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of jug... glers and acrobats,
a dancing bear named Chuck. All guys really want to do is - forget it,
no such luck.

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