
2007-02-24 2:56 am
我將會跟法國藉的男朋友結婚,請問手續是什麼樣?我是三粒星香港ID Card and hold Hong Kong SAR passport, 是否要往金鐘的法國領事館辨visa? 還需要什麼文件?大概多少天visa才完成?大概多少費用to apply visa and 其他文件to get marry?結婚後便立即成為法國公民嗎?可申請法國passport嗎? 我會過去法國跟男友結婚, 後便返港繼續工作,可以嗎?如果我在法國婚後不留在法國可行嗎?這樣是否沒有法國居留權?因我的法藉男友會stay in hongkong next year. Thanks for help!

回答 (1)

2007-02-27 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Where are you going to marry? HK or France? diffrent place needs different documents.

You have to go to 金鐘的法國領事館 ask what kind of documents you and your future husband have to provide to them to marry in HK or France.
Because there is a lot documents have to provide and apply with French people, there is marriage certificate, ID, family book....

Once you are going to marry in HK with your future husband that you automatically become French citizen and apply for French passeport without living in France.

If you are going to marry in France that you have to regisitre your marriage date in the MARIE(Town hall) in France the city you want to go to marry then after 1 or 2 months that you can get marry in the MARIE(town hall), it will be depend on the availability of the date there.
Visa to France changes with time, please call French Consulate for any information you want to know.

Here attached the French consulate in Hong Kong's web site that you can have all kind information and contact numbers that you need.

Happy marriage !

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