
2007-02-24 2:52 am
The little girl didn't seem to mind and tries the habit herself, giving Stitch all the reason he needs to hug her and again proclaim her to be his "buchibu". He hugs her and after a few moments of deliberation, she decides to hug back. They are interrupted when it is revealed that Pleakley has been filming them when he tells them to move in for the big kiss, intending to create his own 'Gushiest Love Stories' documentary.

回答 (4)

2007-02-24 3:31 am
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The little girl didn't seem to mind and tries the habit herself, giving Stitch all the reason he needs to hug her and again proclaim her to be his "buchibu". He hugs her and after a few moments of deliberation, she decides to hug back. They are interrupted when it is revealed that Pleakley has been filming them when he tells them to move in for the big kiss, intending to create his own 'Gushiest Love Stories' documentary.
小女孩似乎不太在意和嘗試去改變自己習慣, 給Stitch所有他要擁抱她和再一次宣告她是他的"buchibu&quot的理由.他擁抱她並且經過幾分鐘的商議後, 她決定要擁抱他.當Pleakley 被發現他一直都在拍著他們直到他叫他們快點熱吻時,他們被打斷了.原來, Pleakley打算製作他自己的記錄影片-'Gushiest Love Stories' .
2007-02-26 9:19 pm
小女孩didn't 似乎介意和嘗試習性, 給針他需要擁抱她和再宣告她是他的"buchibu" 的所有原因。他擁抱她並且在幾研討以後的片刻, 她決定擁抱。他們被中斷當它顯露Pleakley 是攝製他們當他勸告他們搬走為大親吻, 意欲創造他自己的'Gushiest 愛Stories' 新聞紀錄片。
2007-02-24 3:04 am
小女孩 似乎不介意和嘗試習性, 給針他需要擁抱她和再宣告她是他的"buchibu" 的所有原因。他擁抱她並且在幾研討以後的片刻, 她決定擁抱。他們被中斷當它顯露短劇 是攝製他們當他勸告他們搬走為大親吻, 意欲創造他自己的'溢出 愛故事' 新聞紀錄片。
2007-02-24 2:57 am
The little girl didn't seem to mind and tries the habit herself, giving Stitch all the reason he needs to hug her and again proclaim her to be his "buchibu". He hugs her and after a few moments of deliberation, she decides to hug back. They are interrupted when it is revealed that Pleakley has been filming them when he tells them to move in for the big kiss, intending to create his own 'Gushiest Love Stories' documentary.


小女孩沒有似乎介意和不嘗試習性, 給針他需要擁抱她和再宣告她是他的"buchibu" 的所有原因。他擁抱她並且在幾研討以後的片刻, 她決定擁抱。他們被中斷當它顯露Pleakley 是攝製他們當他勸告他們搬走為大親吻, 意欲創造他自己' Gushiest 愛情小說的新聞紀錄片。

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