
2007-02-24 2:42 am
Stitch sees an experiment running in the distance and uses the tricycle to follow it. He chases the experiment into an alley where he confronts it, but upon seeing this cousin he loses his nerve. The pink experiment bats her eyelashes and Stitch just gulps nervously while he becomes captivated by her beauty. Lilo finds them and tells Stitch to capture her before she does something bad, but Stitch has suddenly decided that this cousin is a "buchibu", the Tantalog word for a loved one.

回答 (3)

2007-02-24 3:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Stitch sees an experiment running in the distance and uses the tricycle to follow it. He chases the experiment into an alley where he confronts it, but upon seeing this cousin he loses his nerve. The pink experiment bats her eyelashes and Stitch just gulps nervously while he becomes captivated by her beauty. Lilo finds them and tells Stitch to capture her before she does something bad, but Stitch has suddenly decided that this cousin is a "buchibu", the Tantalog word for a loved one.


縫看實驗跑在距離和使用三輪車跟隨它。他追逐實驗入他面對它的胡同, 但在看見這個表兄弟他丟失他的神經。桃紅色實驗擊她的睫毛並且針緊張地吞當他成為由她的秀麗著迷。Lilo 發現他們和告訴針抓住她在她做壞事之前, 但針突然決定這個表兄弟是"buchibu",
Tantalog 詞為親人。
2007-02-27 12:42 am
縫看實驗跑在距離和使用三輪車跟隨它。他追逐實驗入他面對它的胡同, 但在看見這個表兄弟他丟失他的神經。桃紅色實驗擊她的睫毛並且針緊張地吞當他成為由她的秀麗著迷。Lilo 發現他們和告訴針抓住她在她做壞事之前, 但針突然決定這個表兄弟是"buchibu",
Tantalog 詞為親人。
2007-02-24 3:08 am
縫看實驗跑在距離和使用三輪車跟隨它。他追逐實驗入他面對它的胡同, 但在看見這個表兄弟他丟失他的神經。桃紅色實驗擊她的睫毛並且針緊張地吞當他成為由她的秀麗著迷。Lilo 發現他們和告訴針抓住她在她做壞事之前, 但針突然決定這個表兄弟是"buchibu", Tantalog 詞為親人。

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