F.1 English's reader

2007-02-24 2:39 am
We slept in the hay all night, waking when the wind was wild, sleeping again when it was quiet. And at dawn there was the sudden sound of hail, like stones tossed against the barn. We stared out the window, watching the ice marbles bounce on the ground. And when it was over we opend the barn door and walked out into the early-moring light. The hail crunched and melted beneath our feet. It was white and gleaming for as far as we looked, like sun on glass. Like the sea.

1.What does Anna call the hail? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

回答 (1)

2007-02-24 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ice marbles

2007-03-01 16:49:16 補充:
Hail means 冰雹, which is usually round in shape and transparent. Therefore, it looks like an ice marble.

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