可以幫我用past tense 改呢幾句嗎 ?星期一要交,請大家幫幫忙^^

2007-02-24 1:51 am
He behind the counter looked fat and well-fed. He had big lips and fat cheeks and a very fat neck. The fat around his neck bulged out all around the top of his collar like a rubber ring.

回答 (3)

2007-02-24 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
"The man stayed behind the counter was fat and well-fed. He had a big mouth, fat cheeks and a very fat neck. His neck was so fat which could bulge out of his collar, looked like a rubber ring."
2007-02-24 2:08 am
"The man stayed behind the counter was fat and well-fed. He had a big mouth, fat cheeks and a very fat neck. His neck was so fat which could bulge out of his collar like a rubber ring."
yes or no?
2007-02-24 1:59 am
It is already using past tense. What do you need?

2007-02-23 18:01:06 補充:
Some modification for the previous answer:"The man stayed behind the counter was fat and well-fed. He had a big mouth, fat cheeks and a very fat neck. His neck was so fat which could bulge out of his collar like a rubber ring."

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 12:32:47
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