How many apples did he buy?

2007-02-24 1:02 am
A hawker bought a certain number of apples for $99, and sold them at 3 for $10.By so doing, he earned as much as he paid for 300 apples. How many apples did he buy?

I let x be the apples he bought.

Is this equation correct?

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-02-23 17:16:50 補充:
But I would present it this way: Suppose he bought X apples. (OR Let X be the no. of apples he bought.) Then, PROFIT MADE = $10 ∙ X/3 - $99 = ($99/X) ∙ 300

2007-02-23 17:17:36 補充:
The differences between our answers are:1. writing 「profit made =」, which helps to present how the equation is arrived at.2. 「($99/X) ∙ 300」, which seems to be more 「directly from the question」 than 「(99.300)/x」 does.
2007-02-24 1:09 am
Yes. your equation is correct.

Well done

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