
2007-02-24 12:59 am
本人係股票初哥, 想開股票戶口, 但銀行買賣手續費貴, 邊問經紀行好呢?


請各位指教! thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
With your requirment for "最快最準的股票資訊" and "股票初哥", I recommend you to open a security account from bank. As a rookie in stock market, banks offer better protectons than firms. If handling fee is your concern, the transaction fee for e-banking services on securities is not much different than firms.

Unless you subscribe the real-time stock quotation service.
All free-to-use Stock price services are 1-hour delay.
Example are:
Yahoo Finance : http://hk.finance.yahoo.com/
Quamnet: http://www.quamnet.com/

Alternatively, you may use the real-time quotation service in e-banking, suggest to
1. OPEN an Security accont from banks
2. access the online quotation via e-banking services

Hang Seng Bank
Branch: http://www.hangseng.com/hsb/eng/abo/cu/ba/index.html
Website: https://ebanking.hangseng.com/servlet/EBankLogon?lang_version=en

Wing Lung Bank:
Fee: $120/year
Comments: Not realiable as HSBC / HangSeng as the server sometimes inaccessible. Call the support and they replied "network upgrade" is in progress.
參考: my experience
2007-02-24 1:14 am
參考: 自己同個理財顧問朋友仔

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