
2007-02-23 8:36 pm
例如B747- [400]

回答 (5)

2007-02-23 9:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
果個數字係代表架飛機既大細...... 例如, 港龍d客機.. 如果果條航線係好繁忙既話, 就會用B747-330, 如果係少d客既航線, 就會用A321, A320.. 載客同重量都少d架......
連機師個牌都有分別....... 楂330果d唔會楂321或者係320... 果個operational control係完全唔同架......
參考: 前港龍職員
2007-06-02 10:33 pm
B747-330 同 A321 根本是不同公司的飛機, "330"與"321"的意思也有不同
絕對不是"330"比"321"大, 所以載客量就較大.......
我認為Walter Chan的答案更正確:
例如 B747-367
B代表Boeing, 747是基本型號, 3是747系列的一個改版, 67代表國泰...
另外 A321 其實是指 A320-100
A代表Airbus, 320是基本型號, 1是320系列的一個改版
2007-03-05 3:05 am
港龍747只係for cargo only
2007-02-23 11:49 pm
It is hard to explain in word... Basicily each aircraft will have different version like -200/-300 which could have many meaning... For B747, -100 was the basic model while -200 was the improve of efficieny+capacity of -100, -300 again is the improve efficiency+capacity of -200...And finally now -400 is the latest version of improved efficiency+capacity... But for 777, -200 and -300 came into services together, so the only difference was the capacity...
For example, B747-467... This means B747family, -400 version and the last 2 letter represent the Boeing customer code which 67 represent Cathay Pacific... This code would be based on who the aircraft first owner or who the aircraft was ordered... For example, when Cathay Pacific sell a B747-267 to Virgin Atlantic, this aircraft will continue to carry Cathay Pacific customer code...
And other example are like B737-85C... This would means it is a B737family, -800 version and first ordered by customer with code 5C which is Xiamen Airlines... Or a B777-21B... This would then be a B777family, -200version and first ordered by customer with code 1B which is China Southern Airlines...
As the Boeing Customer list is too long, it is hard to put it all here, so you can have a look at the following website: http://www.airlinecodes.co.uk/boeing.asp
And finally, as I have said... For B777family for example, -200 and -300 have very few difference... As both were being designed at a similar time... While -200 have less capacity compare to -300... And that both aircraft have a Extented Range (ER) version which improved the preformance...
Hope you understand my explaination as it is not easy to explain... But if you have anymore question, feel free to ask and I will see if I can help you...
2007-02-23 9:23 pm

參考: myself

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