
2007-02-23 8:23 pm
马太福音10章:35 因为我来,是叫人与父亲生疏,女儿与母亲生疏,媳妇与婆婆生疏。
36 人的仇敌,就是自己家里的人。

这是其中一些反基督/无神论人士(其实是部份别教徒掩饰身分的名堂)爱用的 "断章"来攻击基督教的"武器"之一,这里也好让基督徒来解释- 看来可怖的经文。

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 6:11 am


2007-02-23 8:37 pm
actually in buddhism have simliar rules too......even from buddhism point of view can explain the meaning of this.....

religious is some kind of studies which u need to involve your whole heart.....however....in the world there are many temptation....which may direct your heart out of your own religious.....if a person decided to devote to a certain religious...then they should focus on it....no matter it is christian or buddhism.........otherwise....he cannot get the real spirit of the religious.....

however,.....when u involve in.....people around u may not understand....and make critics.....so such a statement's main theme is.....if we have devote to a religious....we have to study hard on it.....even we face a lot of critics from people surrounding us....including critics from our relatives...

when u look at religious as different kind of philosophy......we can understand more....

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