Why the bus always go in left line?

2007-02-23 8:04 pm

回答 (3)

2007-02-23 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 根據香港道路使用者守則,道路左邊線為慢線,因巴士要經常停車,算是較慢的車輛
2) 巴士線在左邊會方便巴士進出巴士站,減少引致交通擠塞
3) 方便巴士乘客上落

2007-02-23 8:10 pm
because bus line is on the left also the people get into the bus also in left.
參考: me
2007-02-23 8:08 pm
because the bus line is on the left
therefore the bus can easier let the people get off or get in to the bus

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