
2007-02-23 7:42 pm
我想問下呢 somebody 同埋 anybody 之後 singular 定 plural 呀
後面個verb 駛唔駛 加 (s ) 如果係 present tense 的話
仲有呢 some 同 any 後個個noun 又駛唔駛加 s 如果係眾數 !

回答 (5)

2007-02-23 9:13 pm
Someone, Anyone, Somebody, Anybody 全部係 singular
2007-02-23 8:24 pm
I hope the following examples can help you

1a) . "Peter, somebody wants to see you" I said. (Singular)
1b) "Boys and girls, is anybody absent today?" The teacher asked. (Singular)

2) As "somebody" and "anybody" is in singular sense, the verb has to be inflected by "s" if the tense is present simple.

3) It depends.

3a) I think he resigned because of some reason. (No "s" is needed after "reason" because "some" here has the sense of "unknown")

3b) I think he resigned because of some reasons) ("s" can be added after "reason". It means more than one reason)

3c) I cannot find any books / any book on the desk. (Both are acceptable)
2007-02-23 8:05 pm
some body go in a pub,any one/body know what they going to do,no (S) need to add,butI buy some books without any cover, add (S)whensome fllowing with noun, but (any) need not to add(S)唔信去尖沙咀見到番鬼老問吓佢!
explaining:because (some) must be more than two or more is plural
2007-02-23 7:51 pm
somebody: plural
some: noun+s
any: noun+(no more)s!!!
2007-02-23 7:48 pm
Someone, Anyone, Somebody, Anybody 全部係 singular.
關於文法上既野全部當 singular 處理.

2007-02-23 11:52:05 補充:
Some 係幾個,所以跟住個noun係當plural處理.Example: Please give me some apples.Any 係無,所以跟住個noun係當singularl處理.Example: You don't have any apple!

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