
2007-02-23 5:45 pm

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先,你係指邊一種清盤? Solvent or Insolvent?Solvent is Member's Voluntary Liquidation。Insolvent 有 Creditor's Voluntary Liquidtion, and Compulsory Liquidation。
既然你無 specify ,咁我講 compulsory liqduiation啦。
簡單 d 講,如果係 insolvent 的話,即公司被人申請清盤,會有個 winding-up petition,they are initialised by unsatisfied creditors of the company e.g. employees....who have serverd a statutory demand and the company still unable to pay its debt.
跟住 court will appoint Provisional Liquidator ("PL") (通常係the Official Receiver "ORO") to protect the assets of the company, directors ceased their powers.
跟住就係 within 3 months the PL will arrange for the first 債權人會議 where they will vote if the PL continues act as Liquidator or replace the PL with someone else. And also vote for whether there will be a Commitee of Inspection ("COL") ...........呢個meeting 會否召開係睇公司既 assets 係 少過HK$20萬定多過既...,因為少過就唔會召開架啦,都無錢派咁濟....
ORO will also 登 gazette of the winding-up order。
Order of payment 如下:
Fees in preserving the assets
ORO's fees
Liquidtor's disbursements
Preferential creditors (e.g. Employees, MPFA)
Secured creditors
Ordinary creditors
Deferred creditors
Shareholders of the company
參考: 自己工作
2007-05-13 7:03 pm
太多英文, 唔係好明

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