屋村是香港居住文化, why ?

2007-02-23 12:16 pm
屋村是香港居住文化, why ?
點解屋村會成為左香港的居住文化? 有冇point可以話我知

回答 (2)

2007-02-23 12:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not many cities have people living in estates like Hong Kong. In many cultures, people are not willing to live in high rise buildings for they are not used to living upscale. Even people are living in publich housing, they are not as extensive, concentrate and intensive as we are.
2007-02-24 7:57 pm
因為香港地少人多, 為o左要充份利用有限o既土地資源去滿足香港人對住屋o既要求, 香港
政府會建可以容納好多人o既屋邨, 而私人發展商都會建高樓大厦式o既屋苑囉.

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