煩請現職JASL怡中地勤回答 ~ 地勤training時著suit ge 要求...一定要著裙???著褲得唔得???

2007-02-23 10:37 am
我想問le....怡中地勤 training 時, 因為未有制服, 所以mic要著suit ge....
gum....著suit 有無話規定要著裙ga?? 著褲裝ge suit, ok ma??


THANKS A LOT !!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2007-02-26 10:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
actually you don't really need to dress suit, but of course dress is better. You can wear either dress or "fu". It's not important. Office look is welcome for training such as shirt with dress. And wear "high-heel" shoes. Actaully the training is very relax, don't take it very serious. Dress smart and comfortable is ok gar la~ ^^
參考: self

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