2007-02-23 4:03 am
My name is Drake S. and im 15( almost 16 yrs old) I got into some bad stuff at school and my parents had to pick me up, I beat up a kid and got caught smoking. When I got out of the car my mom toled me I was grounded. I got realllllllllllyyyyyyyyy mad and pushed her down. My dad freaked out and helped her up. He looked realy angry and toled me to go to my room and that he would deal with me later. I said no im gonna go play ball with the guys. I start to walk away and he grabbed my arm and pinned me down on the front of the car. I noticed he was taking of his belt and I toled him to let him up. He folded his belt and whipped my butt adleast 20 somethin times. I was cussin him out at first and then it really started to sting and I accusually cried. I haven't go spanked since I was 12 and it was from my mom. When my dad stopped hitting me he pulled me up and looked me in the eye and said You see what u made me do. He looked like he had tears in his eyes. i SHOULDN'T OF GOT SPANKED!!!!

回答 (30)

2007-02-24 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-02-23 4:10 am
you deserve to be spanked, not once, but a million times. you never ever do such thing to you mom. grow up and learn how to control your temper. Your bad temper will screw your life. You haven't seen the real world yet, kid.
2007-02-23 4:10 am
What do you mean you SHOULDN'T have been spanked? You pushed your Mom down. YOU should be glad your father didn't KILL you. You need to do a lot of thinking about how you acted about today. Sounds like you were really rotten.
2007-02-23 4:10 am
Ok, i hate to break this to you but you were extremely BAD. You beat someone up and was smoking, knocked your mother to the ground and cussed your dad...and you still weren't listening. Unfortunately you left your dad with no other choice because you weren't listening. He could have kicked you out of the house or called the cops for knocking your mother down and he didn't do that. I don't think your dad was beating you or anything. You are kinda old for a whipping but you're also too old to be acting like that. Maybe because of your actions your dad that you deserved a spanking like a little kid. I used to get whippings with the belt too. I didn't like them either but I still never did anything like you did. Maybe you should apologize to them and grow up. Sorry. :(
2007-02-23 4:08 am
Maybe not but you should not have done all the crap you did to deserve it - especially shoving your Mom. No sympathy from me, loser.
2007-02-23 4:26 am
You had not been spanked ever since you were 12. This means your parents are not spank freaks, therefore if they did it this time is because you deserved it. You are getting out of control. Parents are in this world to correct their children and teach them what is right and wrong. It is sad to say that the best you try to correct your children , the worst your children think you are as a parent. Right now you think your parents are abusive monsters trying to control your life, but as you grow older you will eventually realize that what your parents are actually doing is forming a decent man that in the future will be able to start him own family, teaching them the same good values that your parents are trying to teach you right now. Reflect in what happened, admit that your behavior was not the best and try to understand that your parents are just trying to do their job. Also understand that with your behavior you have probably broke your parent's heart. It might be time for you to apologize. At last remember that your privileges end where the rights of the other person begins.
2007-02-23 4:13 am
You deserved an *** kicking. You got off easy. Wah wah wah, be a man, take your lumps.
2007-02-23 4:16 am
You're lucky he didn't punch your teeth out.
2007-02-23 4:11 am
WOW!! u have some nerve to push ur own mother..If was Your mother I would have whooped ur *** to the ground..You do not treat your parents like that..so wat..u want to go around pushin ur parents and not listenin to them yet you wanna live in their house and when you need anythin they'll get it 4 you??
ummm Yea you did deserve to get spanked.& stop actin up then u wont get spanked again
2007-02-23 4:18 am
NO! You shouldn't have been spanked....You actually deserve to be caned. You are the product of what happens when you spare the rod. The child will be spoiled. Your parents should have spanked you years ago, and not let up. There is an old saying " bend the sap while it is young". If you don't do this, you will have excessive problems. Spanking is an act of love. We don't whip our kids to kill them, Who do you think they are building these jails for. YOU!
2007-02-23 4:29 am
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?! you seriously expect to get pitty from any of us? You think ur too old to get spanked well then act your age! instead of a 3yr old. NO ONE should ever touch their mom! I woulda got my teeth knocked out if I were you.(and very well deserved it!) You probably broke your dads heart that he had to do that. But you don't put ur hands on mom! Your frinds and girlfriends will come and go but one thing you can count on is that ur mom will always be there for you. They only want to teach you some respect and to grow up as a decent person! So maybe you should appolize and grow up! I have a 13 yr old son and if he did that to me- Wow! my husband woulda beat his A** too.
2007-02-23 4:26 am
You sound like a spoiled little brat to me. I'm glad you got spanked. How can you push your mom for just grounding you even though you beat someone up and was caught smoking?!
2007-02-23 4:22 am
No ur parents did the right thing. You sooooooo deserved more than what he gave you. I can't believe that you would completely act like that!!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-23 4:21 am
You deserved to be spanked and so much more. You need to have respect for your parents.
2007-02-23 4:10 am
GROW UP ---respect your parents-- You needed it for pushing your mother down--One day when you get older you'll understand and what you are dealing out to your parents will turn around on you.Not trying to be mean,but you need to GROW UP................
2007-02-23 4:08 am
eh get over it.
2007-02-25 4:28 am
IMO, you shouldn't be complaining even if you had gotten 40 licks of the belt on your bare backside with the neighbors watching.

However, maybe you have problems worse than deserving a spanking.

You seem to be a spoiled brat and one that has limited scholastic abilities ... (just look at your spelling!!!).

Maybe you need to be pitied rather than thrashed.

And maybe you need some good Judeo-Christian teaching!!
2007-02-23 4:55 am
I bet your a white kid... and your upper middle class... Listen... DONT EVER TOUCH YOUR MOTHER... YOur Lucky your dad spanked you... Because If I went to your school and heard you did that me and the football team would do worse then that!!!! BE a MAN and Grow up... What do you expect your dad to do... tell you no and kiss you on the forehead... Thats probably why your like that now, because your a spoiled brat... and a crybaby... How dare you put your Parents through this... and i'm 25... So U better grow up fast
2007-02-23 4:27 am
That's all? You got spanked? Your lucky your not my kid cause if my kid pushed me down I would have beat his *** dragged him to hia room by his hair and leave him there till he turns 18 and old enough to move out. I mean fine there might have been a reason for fighting and fine you were smoking big deal but you do not treat your parents that way I don't even care who you are and what your reasonings are.
2007-02-23 4:11 am
your a coward you pushed your mom if i was your dad i would've gave you more than a belt i hope you neva have a wife and kids
2007-02-23 4:23 am
You are right. You should have been BEAT.
2007-02-23 4:53 am
whoa....so many things wrong here.....1st let me say i'm a mom of a 17 year old and have to daughters age 19 and 21...so i do know a lil bout what i'm talking about here....most of you won't like what i have to say i'm sure..

get your butt in there and tell you mom your sorry right now!

You should NEVER lay a hand on your mom!

I don't however agree that turning around and beating you was the answer either....i think you must have some real issues that need to be dealt with....why did you beat up the kid? while i HATE smoking i don't find that to be such a big deal. i do think 16 is way to old to be doing any spanking! other methods need to be used....if your parents think your out of control then they need to find you some help......it sounds like your dad 'spanked' you out of frustration. as far as him saying that you made him do it, it wasn't only you but it was also him losing control of himself....see when he told you he would deal with you later that was his way of trying to keep himself in check...you just helped push him over the edge by not going to your room.
if you where my child you would NOT be on a computer right now...you would be so grounded from all that kinda stuff....
please tell your parents that you realize you have some anger mangement problems that you need help with...mean it and get that help!
2007-02-23 4:51 am
What the people already written to you is quit understandable. Most of what had happen seem like the typical teenager stuff, but pushing your mother was really uncalled for. The your statement in many ways frighten me because I've plan to have kids one day (If God permitted) and I know my child(ren) will grow to be a teenager knowing how much I will carefully guild them, I fear of the innocent that happen with your family.

When you're 18, you can get into fights all you want, you will just jail for it, where men enjoy having intercourse with you whether you like or not!.You can also smoke all you wish and get the disease that will evade your body. It's the law of discipline; police, judge, district attorney and jail. All of this is worst of getting spanked.

If you feel it's ok to push your mother down? If you feel its ok to challenge you dad to the point where his eyes nearly in tears, and then do your parent favorite, behave until your 18 and you can move out. Let me warn you, when you move on your own, whatever happens to you it will still break their hearts.

Draks S.
Go to your mother now and wrap your arms around her and give
her most loving apology ever, and express the same to your dad.

"You see what u made me do? Your dad said. Go answer his question.

Make a promise to your parents it will not happen again! You
must understand now, when you are 18, the law of life, the law of
physical, the law of emotions, and the law discipline takes over. If you change your ways, the law of God will lead you!

Think about it...

God Bless.

Contact me if you wish!
2007-02-23 4:46 am
I do not personally believe in spanking but as for you, I cannot believe you think your spanking was too much punishment for PUSHING YOUR OWN MOTHER DOWN. You are almost 16 years old and you should be ashamed of your behavior. Apologize to your mother right now. If I were your mother, I would personally call law enforcement and charge you with assault and battery. Then, I'd let you really enjoy your smokes and fighting...in juvie jail.

In two more years, you'll be an adult under the law. What you did today could get you several years in state prison. Get to a professional counselor immediately. Once you get your anger and conflict issues resolved, then you can ask your father to join you.
2007-02-23 4:42 am
man.. u should apologize ASAP to ur parentz... u know y ur dad had tearz 'coz he felt bad when spanked or beat u... he loves like everyother parent and they just felt bad and embarassed after u did stuff at skool and PUSHED UR mom... thatz just bad, really bad and disrespecting... c'mon man they take care of u and this is wat u give them... u shouldn't have done that... believe it or not ur father and ur mom will be soo upset and they will be more upset with themselves rather than u 'coz they will think that they didn't teach u the right things... soo plzz go and apologiza ASAP
2007-02-23 4:36 am
If your almost 16 years old then you should know better how to act. Your not 12 years old anymore you know. Your mother is not the kid who you beat up. Every time you need something your mother is the one who is there. Everytime you need a certain clothes cleaned and washed your mother is there to wash them. Everytime you have a problem your mother is there for you. Everytime your father does anything he shouldn't have done, your mother is the one who is defending you. If you pushed your mother then I'm sorry to say, but you deserved it. Once my cousin pushed my grandmother just because she didn't do nothing for him. She has been more than a mother for him and the cops told her that they give her permission to spank him. When she passed away, he didn't know what to do or how to act because the only person who was ever there for him, the only person who punished him when he needed it wasn't there anymore. Now I don't think you need to wait till something terrible happens so you will understand things better and know how to respect the most valuable people in your lives.My mother has treated me pretty bad, but I never or thought about disrespecting her or my father any time. I suggest you start changing your attitude or your parent should think about sending you to boot camp. If tears were coming out of your fathers eyes after he spanked you well That is what you caused. It hurt him so much that he couldn't think of anything else at that time that you made him do the worst. That was the worst for him. If you don't know how to value your mother and appreciate her than I am not sure what you deserve. If your treating her like this imagine when your in serious relationship or when you have kids. I will feel sorry for them. Please get help for yourself. There is no reason at all for what you did. Just reading this made me angry.
2007-02-23 4:14 am
Like I said before...I'd smash your hands with a brick!
2007-02-23 6:17 am
Are you kidding? You got what you deserved. You need anger management. If you did it again and I was your parent, I would call the police. Maybe military school if you can't be respectful.

You were very very wrong. You need to apologize to your mom, your dad, the kid you hit. And then, you need to be punished for smoking. I would ground you for the rest of the year if you were my kid. Not because of hate or anger but, because you would be loved and important enough to be taught how to act.

Your parents love you and care. I'm proud of your dad.

P.S. My dad had a heart attack and died during a confrontation with my spoiled brat disrespectful brother.
2007-02-23 5:13 am
How many times are you going to ask this same question? It's freaky. I think you have a psychological problem and should seek counseling.
2007-02-23 4:38 am
No pity or sympathy from me. You deserved it and I'm glad it hurt and that you cried. You want to be treated like a man/adult you better start acting like one.

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