How to fight shyness?

2007-02-23 4:03 am
I am an really shy person. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it makes me annoying. So there any way how to fight shyness?

回答 (19)

2007-02-23 4:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
gradually go out and say hi to people and get to know more people
2016-10-16 7:19 pm
make the attempt on a daily basis to study some thing new and exciting. If there's a guy or woman you like, check out issues that they like. whilst you're no longer at present drawn to somebody, check out issues you like. the objective of this, is so as which you extra often than not sense you have some thing exciting to talk approximately... some thing to offer whilst that concern of uncomfortable silence creeps in. shop a catalogue of exciting prevalent questions in the lower back of your techniques....reliable communication starters... like 'what's your familiar movie", 'Are you nervous of spiders? or what's your best concern?','what's your familiar concern approximately me?' comprehend too, that shy human beings tend to be very ingenious and clever and comfortable. those are reliable traits.... so is concern. concern is a few thing we sense whilst all of us comprehend that there is a few thing useful to guard approximately ourselves. comprehend what that 'alluring concern' is which you're keeping, and additionally you will possibly finally end up being extra prepared to share it with others. ultimate of great fortune.
2016-06-22 2:46 pm
40000 Cured Social Anxiety :
2016-01-18 6:48 am
If you are a natural person you should try cognitive behavioral therapy. It was the only thing that has helped me with my horrible health anxiety. Read here

Your thinking determines your quality of life. Your thinking is what causes you these feelings:

Anxious, fearful, stressed or depressed
Constantly worried, or angry about something that is happening in your life
Struggling to overcome obsessive and negative thoughts.

If you change your thinking, you will change your life. This is the basic idea behind CBT for anxiety. The Cognitive part is where you learn nee methods and ways to change your same old habits and thinking patterns. If you keep thinking and expecting the worst – You will continue to suffer.
2013-11-23 7:55 am
you should increase ypur information
when you have a information about different affairs you can relation with other people
2007-02-23 4:14 am
A really good friend of mine made a great point. It's tough being shy but if the person you want to get together with really likes you, he/she will understand your shyness and help you out.
2007-02-23 4:14 am
when you are home alone, close your eyes and imagine yourself with a group of people, or whatever situations you find yourself in now... in your vision you are not shy, you are confident and able to join in on the conversation just like everyone else. do this often, kind of like meditating.

now I'm not saying that you have to completely change yourself and start being the life of the party. shy is ok at a certain level - as long as you are able to make a comment here and there and let people know that you really do have a brain.
2007-02-23 4:11 am
the first 14 years of my life i had to fight that more then anyone in human history, yea it sucks, but now im 16 and im the exact opposite, i dont quite remember what i did, prob cuz i was so proud of myself and basking in the new me but it had to do with determination to fight it and months of being agressivly social up to a breaking point until i got the skills i needed and yea it was hard and i cried at times lol but im glad i killed myself and my beating shy heart trying to fix who i was.....dunno wat u make of this but i hope it helps
2007-02-23 4:10 am
I'm also naturally shy, but whats gotten me through is surrounding myself with outgoing people.
Actually at one point i encountered people that were outgoing to the point of annoyingness (is that a word?).
But whenever i see an outgoing person I talk to them because of two possible reasons:
a, they're not going to reject me since they can talk to vitrually anyone
and b, hanging out with them will get me to be more like them
having an outgoing best friend is great. you quickly get sucked in to their manners.
But shyness has alot to do with self esteem. Just be comfortable with ourself because people are fooled by how you act. I don't know if you're seen this, but the fattest or ugliest girl can walk in the room and be really outgoing, people are her friends! and no one sees her flaws. whereas if she walked in acting like she's self conscious, people will immidiatly notice her flaws.
It's something to not only think about but work on.
good luck!
參考: i'm shy myself, but working on itt
2007-02-23 4:10 am
I think itGuru may be on to something. Some shyness may come from the inability to deal with rejection.
This of it this way; The more you do it, the easier it will become. It's just like speaking in front of a large group. I used to hate it. But now I think of myself as an old pro.
2007-02-23 4:09 am
the only way to fight it is to step out of your comfort zone and do the impossible. TALK TO PEOPLE! there is no cure other than to just get over your fear of being embarrassed or whatever it is and speak your mind.....NVM i just thought of a cure but it is pretty over the top....smoke some weed or drink some alcohol! instant cures!
2007-02-23 4:08 am
being shy never helps first of all. And well there is something that you have to find out for your self I mean how confident are you about your self. You have to know that i mean I was shy but I stopped being shy when I was 13 and well it has been like 5 years now. I found out that any one there is not better than me in fact I am better than any one. I mean this sounds bragging but I mean I know what I can do and i have the confidence that I need so you have to learn that on your own there are no short cuts for this
2007-02-23 4:08 am
One step at a time.
We are all different and that's what makes it fun.
Every now and then just say to yourself what's the worse thing that could happen (so the girl said no big deal)
You don't have to be a stand up comic and face an entire audience, it's only one person that you have to approach and you don't have to do it 100 times. Just try once and build from there.
2007-02-23 4:08 am
when i really get to know a person i talk and sometimes when i dont know them i talk alought but when i was 11 i never talked to anyone that much.
2007-02-23 4:07 am
When your in a situation where you are shy, don't try to make yourself be less shy. This will only make it more difficult to speak up. Just be comfortable in the situation and you will do fine.
2007-02-23 4:06 am
I'm also shy around people that I don't know too well. I would suggest trying your best to get comfortable with the group your with, especially if it's over a long period of time. Just talk about anything. How cold the room is, etc. good luck =]
2007-02-23 4:06 am
i am also very shy but am wanting to pursue a career in the music buisness you need to find friends that arent shy thats what i did
2007-02-23 4:05 am
You need to get out there, life is short!!!! Just talk to more people, more often:) Join clubs, volunteer etc.
2007-02-23 4:05 am
relax and be yourself
2007-02-23 4:06 am
you need to learn how to handle and accept rejection.

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