
2007-02-23 7:45 am
- 為什麼一對新婚夫婦通常都只會選一個國家渡蜜月? (even佢地好有$$$)
- 兩個或多個國家唔好咩?
- 要點樣揀一個理想嘅國家去渡蜜月先至happy?

我有個朋友, 佢已經結咗婚, 但係就唔知想去邊度玩, 但佢地話如果有個地方可以天體就可以喎, 佢話咁樣先會有渡蜜月feel, 你地要我點揀?

回答 (2)

2007-02-23 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Honey Moon, I don't think it is too big a deal ...
one country, a lot of country ... not an issue.
People pick one country because they dont want to be over-busy and
want to save some travel time, and instead stay in the 6 star hotel to
enjoy ... themselves.

More countries, more surprises, more travel time, may make both sides
more frustrated and kill the mood for love.

Just pick a closer country for Honey moon, quiet and romantic ..., the hotel
must be great 6th star recommended. With all the good facilities ... food ...etc

I don't recommend all those "wild party" because couples can be so distracted
and seeing other people bodies are not recommended in Honey moon ...
people compare with each other, body part differences ... etc ...
it will not be appealing ....

hao hao take care and enjoy your honey moon

2007-03-04 9:30 am

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