about the desert

2007-02-23 6:20 am
Where is the famous desert ? What is its name ?

回答 (2)

2007-02-24 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案

Sahara – in northern Africa. The world's largest desert after Antarctica.
Kalahari – desert in southern Africa.
Namib – desert in southern Africa.

Antarctica The interior of the continent is the world's largest desert.

Gobi – desert of Mongolia.
Taklamakan – desert in China.
Ordos – desert of China.
Kara Kum – deserts in Central Asia.
Kyzyl Kum – Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Thar-Cholistan desert in India and Pakistan.

Gibson Desert – central Australia
Great Sandy Desert – northwestern Australia
Great Victoria Desert – central Australia
Simpson Desert – central Australia
Little Sandy Desert – central Australia
Strzelecki Desert – southcentral Australia
Tanami Desert – northern Australia
Western Desert – western Australia

Hálendi – Iceland Europes largest desert.
Błędowska Desert – Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Middle East:

Arabian Desert — a vast desert complex on Arabian Peninsula comprising Al-Dahna Desert, Empty Quarter, Nefud Desert and other deserts.
Dasht-e Kavir – central Iran.
Dasht-e Lut – southeastern Iran.
Judean Desert – eastern Israel and West Bank.
Negev – southern Israel
Desert of Sin / Zin Desert (Bible usage) – Sinai Peninsula.
North America:

Mojave desert.
Great Basin desert.
Sonoran desert.
Chihuahuan desert.
South America:

La Guajira Desert – in northern Colombia and some of northwestern Venezuela.
Atacama – desert in Chile. The driest desert on Earth.
2007-02-23 6:45 am
10 Largest Deserts, all over 50 000 km²
Rank Desert’s Name Area (km²) Area (sq mi) Country/Countries
1 Antarctic Desert 14 000 000 5 400 000 N/A 阿卡塔馬沙漠-智利
2 Sahara Desert 8 600 000 3 320 000 Egypt, Libya, Chad, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria. 撒哈拉大沙漠
3 Arabian Desert 2 331 000 900 000 Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen.
4 Gobi Desert 1 300 000 500 000 Mongolia 戈壁灘
5 Patagonian Desert 673 000 260 000 Argentina
6 Great Victoria Desert 647 000 250 000 Australia
7 Great Basin Desert 492 000 190 000 United States
8 Chihuahuan Desert 450 000 175 000 Mexico and United States
9 Great Sandy Desert 400 000 150 000 Australia
10 Karakum Desert 350 000 135 000 Turkmenistan 卡拉庫姆大沙漠 - 中亞地區最大的沙漠

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