DVD 碟 問題

2007-02-23 5:28 am
我入隻DVD碟 落部腦 佢冇反應 唔會LOAD隻DVD碟
但普通CD就會LOAD 咁係咩問題呢??

回答 (2)

2007-02-23 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你部腦係咪DVD-Rom, 如果唔係, 就讀唔到DVD.

2. 係唔係隻碟有問題, 試吓換其它碟.

3. 最後就係部機壞咗, 咁就要換機了.
2007-02-23 5:34 am
It must be the problem of the DVD.You should check whether the DVD is suitable for 部腦.

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