
2007-02-23 5:15 am
Payment Method:Paypal


How do you save the$ in Paypal??

回答 (2)

2007-02-23 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
簡單嚟講PAYPAL係一間屬於ebay嘅公司, 幫啲o係internet(如ebay, yahoo等)進行交易嘅人做一個中介人, 負責替賣家收$, 而又會提供保障俾買賣雙方, 大大減低風險如收咗$唔寄貨等等. 而PAYPAL會向賣家收佣, 從而賺$.

呢個answer係最簡單, 因為我唔想cut and paste成千字嘅文章要你有排睇, 希望ok啦 :)

Q: How do you save the$ in Paypal??
Not too sure about this question... anyway, to send money (i.e. to pay for items) via Paypal you will need a credit card or cash card. To receive money all you need is an email address and a bank account in HK or US (for a HongKong-based Paypal account). It is free to send money but Paypal charges 3.4% for receiving money. The whole thing can be quite complicated so i have skipped all lot of stuff. Anyways the basics were already outlined above.

Hope this helps :)
參考: myself - ebay powerseller
2007-02-23 6:12 am
Paypal is a service that you (as a buyer) will not reveal your credit card no. to the seller, most common use in online stores, such as e-bay, yahoo, ....... You can go to www.paypal.com for the details.

2007-02-23 00:17:49 補充:
From time to time paypal and Google checkout offer promotion, most of the time is money back, so the consumers can save some money. You can find those information on many shopping/monsy saving forums, or check their web site.

2007-02-23 00:20:13 補充:
The lateest Paypal promotion is spend US$30 or more and get US$15 back, but only for US and Canada, not sure they have any offer for HK. The following is the link for the promotion https://paypal.promotionexpert.com/greatshopping/signup/200702/misc_s.html?route=misc
參考: paypal.com and my online shopping experience

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