what is 5p in marketing

2007-02-23 3:57 am
what is 5p in marketing?
i only know 4p==> price, product, place, promotion, the last one is what?

回答 (2)

2007-02-23 5:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
In traditional marketing, we have the 4P – product, price, place, and promotion.
First, we need to have something to sell, which can be physical goods or services. Then we have to determine the price of the product that customers are willing to pay. The place is the marketing channel. For example, are you selling your products through retailer or directly to the customers? And of course, we need to promote our products.
With e-commerce, we have a fifth P, personalization. It has direct effect on product and promotion. Now customers can order the product on Internet exactly the way they want. Merchants have to tailor-make the product to satisfy customers. As for promotion, merchants can also tailor-make the advertisements to fit the customers. Through cookies and other technologies, merchants can find out the preference of their customers so that they can do target marketing.
Price is also affected by personalization because we can identify customers who are price sensitive or those who want value. For customers who want value, merchant can bundle products and/or services together and charge a higher price.
2007-02-23 5:31 am
括之前你講那四個再加process, people同埋physical environment呀!

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