
2007-02-23 3:15 am

回答 (3)

2007-02-23 3:24 am
Actually English is not that important. I should say it is just about 60 days till the CE and you can't improve much in your language subject. English is the thing that requires prolong training since you are young. So, you don't have to regret for not studying English. It worths more if you study more in other subjects.
2007-02-23 3:23 am
我讀個時都同你一樣。我個時D miss最喜歡叫我地成班放學後留係學校做past paper,miss話就話唔係一定的,但如果你唔去咪勁單打你囉!如果你唔介意的話你可以向你的英文老師提出你想在學校做英文past paper,到時有老師睇住,唔想都唔得。雖然這方法有D難頂,但都幾好加!
2007-02-23 3:22 am

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