
2007-02-23 3:02 am
但其實自己都念過下...雖然我對呢行有興趣.....但唔算話好大興趣果種...但奈何自己學歷得中3....轉行都唔知轉邊行好....雖然讀過ive 基礎文憑..但都唔知自己鐘意做邊一行......就算搵課程讀...都唔知讀邊樣好...有冇人可以幫到我....

回答 (2)

2007-02-23 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know your age, I guess you are below 23, right ? firstly, you keep on working in the field of salon to earn money for living, then, try study something to upgrade yourself, it is important, also find your interest, no matter how busy you are, secondly,
when you find your interest, focus on it, ( may be a hair dresser, artist or camera man )
after some years ( 3 to 5 ) you may build up your career, you have more confidence and saved some money, then you can go more further or start your salon business, remember, determine who are your good friends and do things start from beginning till the end, don't do many things at a time, remember, upgarde youself, build up your confidence, try something to start your career.
like me,I am older then you, I was only Primary 6, I studied in the night school for 10 years, now I have my company, good luck.
2007-02-23 3:33 am


但係自己都係覺得麻麻地,可以試下同類型嘅行業,例如美容 等~!!


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