Explain how amino acid can provide energy for us.高手來~

2007-02-23 3:01 am
Protein in the diet can be absorbed into the body as amino acids.Explain how amino acid can provide energy for us.

回答 (3)

2007-02-24 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, as you know excess protein can be stored, it will undergo deamination. However, when we starve, and when all glycogen stored in both liver and muscle are used as well as no any subcutaneous fat able to use. Protein will be decomposed into amino acid. This process is called GLUCONEOGENESIS caused by a hormone called GLUCAGON.

The protein group will first
(i)transfer to liver to undergo deamination and NH2 group is then removed from the amino acid. It is then connverted to NH3 group and then undergone a process called ornithine cycle so that it can be excreted out of our body in form of urea. If you don't know what an ornithine cycle is, ask your BIO teacher for help.
(ii)The remaining keto acid will then feed into the kreb cycle and release energy to support our life.

I hope you know what I am talking about.
2007-02-23 6:18 pm
Amino acids consists of amino group & keto group . In liver, the amino acids undergo deamination. The amino group is converted into urea and the keto group can be used as other saccharides.
2007-02-23 4:43 am
actually we won't need to break down amino acids to provide energy for us
But during starvation, our body will use the glycogen first, then fats in our body.
If these were used up, then we'll break down protein to amino acids. and break
amino acids to provide energy.
參考: me

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