Change to English!

2007-02-23 1:01 am
xxxx College aims to provide quality education for the whole person, with a balanced emphasis on physical, intellectual and spiritual development, in a caring and supportive Christian environment.


Sorry!,is change to CHINESE

回答 (2)

2007-02-23 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
XXX College aims to provide quality education for the whole person, with a balanced emphasis on physical, intellectual and spiritual development, in a caring and supportive Christian environment.
「XXX 書院」的主旨是在基督教的關懷及扶助環境下, 以均衡的體、智、靈發展, 提供優質教育予全人。
“whole person” 是 ‘全人’, 本港就有一非牟利志願機構「全人教育基金」( Whole Person Education Foundation ), 以提升受助人的心理質素, 建立成功快樂人生。
中、英是兩種截然不同的語文, 翻譯時需按語言本身的特性, 把句子結構 (sentence structure) 作適當調整。
2007-02-23 1:06 am
already english. How to change it?

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