
2007-02-22 11:54 pm
If you were on the lifeboat, would you go back to save the people in the sea?
Titanic has 20 lifeboat, if I luckily in the lifeboat. I will come back to save other people. According to the movie, there have about 1,500 people doesn’t on the lifeboat.

I don’t as the movie people only knew their life, don’t know other people life. In the movie, a woman requested in the lifeboat people to go back to rescue the people in the sea. But they are silent about what happened. I think their wasn’t been deference.


I think anyone have humanity, will go back to save other people.


那句意思是: 我不會像那些人只顧自己生命,而不理其他人死活。

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2007-02-23 12:19 am
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If you were on the lifeboat, would you go back to save the people floating in the ocean?
Titanic had 20 lifeboats. If I was in the lifeboat luckily, I would try to save other people. According to the movie, there were about 1,500 people not getting to the lifeboat.

I don’t as the movie people only knew their life, don’t know other people life. (<--- Dont know what you are talking about.)

In the movie, a woman requested the people in the lifeboat to rescue the people left behind. They all went silent.

Any human being would try their best to save other people.

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