
2007-02-22 11:20 pm
1) A sum of $72 is divided among A,B and C.The amount that A gets is 1/2 of B and 1/3 of C.How much does each of them get?

2.) A is twice as old and B is half as old as C.If the sum of their age is 65 years,how old is A?

3)A bottle of juice is shared by A,B and C in the ratio of 2:3:5.If C gets 750 ML of juice,find the volume of juice in the bottle.

回答 (2)

2007-02-22 11:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. A:B = 1:2
A: C = 1: 3
= 1:2:3

2. A:B = 2:1
B:C = 1:2
= 2:1:2
The age of A= 65/5 = 13 x 2 =26

3. Ratio=2:3:5
The volume= 750/5= (150x2)+(150x3)+(150x5) = 1500ML...

I hope it can be help you....
2007-02-23 12:05 am
Let Xa be the amount that A will get.
Let Xb be the amount that B will get.
Let Xc be the amount that C will get.

Xa = 1/2 Xb -> Xb = 2Xa
Xa = 1/3 Xc -> Xc = 3Xa

Xa + Xb + Xc = 72
Xa + 2Xa + 3Xa = 72
6Xa = 72

Xa = 12
Xb = 24
Xc = 36

Let Xa be the age of A.
Let Xb be the age of B.
Let Xc be the age of C.

Xa = 2Xb -> Xb = 1/2Xa
Xb = 1/2Xc -> Xc = Xa

Xa + Xb + Xc = 65
Xa + 1/2Xa + Xa = 65
5/2Xa = 65
Xa = 26

Let Xa be the volume that A will get.
Let Xb be the volume that B will get.
Let Xc be the volume that C will get.

Xb = 3/5Xc = 3/5 * 750ml = 450ml
Xa = 2/3Xb = 2/3 * 450ml = 300ml

Volume of Juice in the Bottle = Xa + Xb + Xc = 1500ml

Let Xa be the smallest portion.

Xa = (1/5) / (1/5+1/4+1/3) * 94
= (1/5) / (47/60) * 94
= 12 / 47 * 94
= 24Kg

(Remark: Xb = 15/47*94 = 30Kg ; Xc = 20/47*94 = 40Kg)

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